PANAMA PAPERS: A new ice cream flavour in Reykjavik

Published: April 4, 2016 at 6:12pm

The Iceland Monitor reports that the hipp­est ice cream shop in Reykjavik put a new product on sale today. It’s called Wintris, after the British Virgin Islands comp­any ow­ned by the Icelandic prime minister’s wife.

The shop is promoting it on Facebook with the words: “It’s sour with a dose of arrog­ance and we don’t particul­ar­ly recomm­end it.” It’s a mixt­ure of lemon sor­bet and vanilla ice cream and “is availa­ble with a tax deducti­on”.


Iceland's prime minister, Sigmundur David Gunnlaugsson, and his wife, Anna Sigurlaug Palsdottir

Iceland’s prime minister, Sigmundur David Gunnlaugsson, and his wife, Anna Sigurlaug Palsdottir