Corruption crisis? What corruption crisis?
The Prime Minister and Mrs Muscat, the Tourism Minister and Mrs Zammit Lewis, and the government head of communications, are all at a lazy Sunday lunch at Paranga at St George’s Bay, St Julian’s, no doubt admiring the Institute of Tourism Studies building across the water, which they have given to Labour Party donor and major suck-up Silvio Debono of the Seabank Hotel, to build his Twin Towers, as reported in today’s press.
This is the measure of their criminal irresponsibility: instead of giving due regard to the scandalous news reports about the behaviour of his chief of staff and his Special Minister, splashed across the front pages of The Malta Independent on Sunday and The Sunday Times today, the Prime Minister goes out of his way to thumb his nose at the public and its legitimate concerns. He probably believes that by going out to lunch at Paranga with his government mates and their WAGs, he’s communicating the message that there’s nothing to worry about.
He’s doing the opposite. He’s communicating the message that we should be very frightened indeed of the crooked behaviour at the top and the offensive, sheer indifference to the concerns of the public.