The fabulous line-up for the Labour Party’s deputy leadership

Published: May 10, 2016 at 8:25pm

These are the three contestants for the post of deputy leader of the Labour Party. They only discovered their desire for the role now. They didn’t yet have it when Konrad Mizzi stood for election alone back in February.

And to make the line-up even more madly enticing, I’ve added the two most recent incumbents too.

Chris Cardona, Minister for the Economy (right)

Chris Cardona, Minister for the Economy (right)

Owen Bonnici, Minister of Justice - oh dear, so sorry, my mistake

Owen Bonnici, Minister of Justice – oh dear, so sorry, my mistake

Stefan Zrinzo Azzopardi (centre) with a couple of crooks

Stefan Zrinzo Azzopardi (centre) with a couple of crooks

Toni Abela

Toni Abela

Konrad Mizzi (far left, in black) socialising with his very elegant and sophisticated chauffeur (in green)

Konrad Mizzi (far left, in black) socialising with his very elegant and sophisticated chauffeur (in green)