Noddy wonders whether he should take on the barfly

Published: May 3, 2016 at 2:08pm

The political scene in Malta is like a farce which writes itself. Now Noddy the Justice Minister has emerged from his two-room rabbit-hole in Old Mint Street, where he has lived since he bolted with Janice, to tell the press in his tal-Mużew voice that he is considering standing for election as Labour deputy leader.

If he does decide to go ahead, he’ll be taking on that barfly, the Minister for the Economy. However, this is unlikely to happen, and if it does, it will be just another mise en scene. Those two, along with the Parliamentary Secretary for Lands and the Tourism Minister, are the only four individuals that Muscat has been able to wheel out regularly to defend his corrupt government and Konrad Mizzi since day one of the debacle last February.

They’re concocting something together.

Noddy was on TVM’s Reporter last night along with Therese Comodini Cachia, repeating the same old Labour propaganda mantra like one of those big-eyed dolls who feature in horror movies and then turn vicious. Il-kont ta’ Mario Demarco. Konrad Mizzi għamel ħafna ġid ghall-pajjiz. Simon Busuttil qal li ħadu boroż ta’ flus fil-Panama. The man has so little integrity that it was embarrassing to watch.

At one point, he actually said that I belong to the extreme end of the Nationalist Party, along with Beppe Fenech Adami. He must have confused me with Janice, a pseudo-reporter who is actually EMPLOYED by the Labour Party.

I see those lying louts haven’t given up on that old-hat propaganda of trying to undermine me (and therefore what I write about them) by linking me to the Nationalist Party. Oh, and for once the show-host – interviewer would be too strong a word because he hasn’t a clue, and clearly trips up in his own thoughts – allowed Noddy to speak my banned name, of course. With men like this, I’m surprised the Maltese population hasn’t bred itself out.

noddy bonnici