The Prime Minister won’t say whether he has potato blood in his veins

Published: May 6, 2016 at 10:50pm

The Prime Minister took this quiz on the new portal LovinMalta, which is run by former Times of Malta journalist Chris Peregin as CEO. And he tweeted about it – because, you know, that’s the kind of thing a prime minister would do in the thick of a corruption scandal.

Knowing who runs it – it was promoted here – Muscat did his standard act of trying it on with a bit of a twinkly flirt (something he saves exclusively for the lads of whatever persuasion), until he got the answer: “OUr guess is that you might have potato blood in your veins.”

That didn’t go down well, I think. There are five “local celebs” to whom your answers match you, and for some reason I’m one of them (probably because I’m the CEO’s friends’ mother…). I have a sneaking suspicion that Muscat might have got ‘Daphne’ rather than the man with potato blood in his veins, who’s another one. A third is Manuel of the television cooking show Il-Kcina. I can’t remember the other two names.

I can guarantee that the quiz is 100% accurate. I took it blindly – and not even giving the answers people would expect of me, but those which are as close to reality as possible, given the options – and I got…Daphne.

