Put Joe Grima out to pasture for good: he could use a diet of grass

Published: May 10, 2016 at 5:40pm

Joe Grima, the Prime Minister’s special envoy to the World Tourism Organisation – a man so incapacitated by his obesity that he has a disabled parking spot and enters and leaves airplanes in a wheelchair via a special lift, but then has no problem walking to Café Cordina and McDonalds – has said he is suing the Times of Malta, Malta Today and me for reporting that he called the new Mayor of London a cockroach.

He claims he did not. But judge for yourself from a verbatim quote of what he wrote on Facebook:

The writing is on the wall. The cockroaches have invaded dear old London. Londoners thought they were buttering their bread by voting in an Islamic Mayor but with the butter they allowed in the cockroaches.

And despite littering the place with law-suits and accusing us of misquoting him, he has resigned his position – and not before time. The disgustingly obese vile old man, who has the manners of a sow, far-right politics and is wildly aggressive and hostile, is a terribly poor envoy for anything. Malta is served badly enough in that department as it is. We don’t need that tonne of miserable, ugly and xenophobic aggression representing our country.

Too lazy to walk to anything but his food: the Prime Minister's special envoy to the World Tourism Organisation waiting to be loaded onto a plane at Vienna airport.

Too lazy to walk to anything but his food: the Prime Minister’s special envoy to the World Tourism Organisation waiting to be loaded onto a plane at Vienna airport.

At McDonalds in Gozo

At McDonalds in Gozo

At yet another branch of McDonalds

At yet another branch of McDonalds