“I don’t understand it,” she wailed, “so I left it to the people who did.”

Published: June 25, 2016 at 5:25pm

There’s another interesting piece in The Guardian:

The least informed person I met all day seemed to speak for a surprisingly large number of people. She had come out of the Nijjars’ shop looking smart but distracted. “I don’t understand it,” she wailed, “so I left it to the people who did. Now I’m being told it’s not good and it’s going to cost us loads of money. Like we need that.”

Here was a theme that often cropped up: the sense that the question should never have been asked, that this was a question involving complexities not principle, and that the elected leaders should have sorted it out themselves. (Essay topic for David Cameron in his forthcoming twilight: “Ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer.” Analyse and discuss.)

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