Scottish National Party leader announces: “I will do everything I can to keep the Scottish people in the European Union and in the Single Market in particular”

Published: June 24, 2016 at 12:39pm

First Northern Ireland, now Scotland. Scottish National Party leader Nicola Sturgeon is giving a press conference right now in which she has announced that she will do everything she can and “explore all options” to keep the Scottish people in the European Union and “in the Single Market in particular”.

“We will take immediate action to protect our future. We will now begin preparing the legislation required for another referendum on Scottish independence,” she said. “Many people voted against independence in the last referendum because they were worried that Scotland would have to leave the EU. Now they are reassessing that (because continued union with Britain will mean leaving).”

“My duty is to act now in the best interests of Scotland. We said clearly that we do not want to leave the European Union. I will do whatever I can to make sure that the will of the Scottish people is respected.”

SNP Party annual conference 2014