Conservative Party leadership contender Andrea Leadsom’s views are as bad as those of Nigel Farage

Published: July 4, 2016 at 12:41pm

I’m listening to Andrea Leadsom speak live now on Sky News as she announces her leadership bid for the Conservative Party. She sounds just like Nigel Farage, and now that there is a vacancy at UKIP following his surprise resignation this morning, she should shift over to that party.

Her announcement so far has been non-stop cliches about European elites, the disaster in southern Europe (because, of course, Malta does not exist), decisions no longer being made in Brussels, “taking back control of our own country”, great future, great Britain, “we have just rediscovered our freedom” and more of the same.

Every instinct in me says ‘watch out/weirdo/psycho’. She speaks in that little-little voice women behind the perfume counter in department stores use to sell you cosmetics you don’t need, and punctuates almost every sentence by crinkling her eyes in lieu of a real smile, something which only hard women determined to get their way do, using it as a sheath for cold-blooded manipulation. People with no emotional intelligence and men who aren’t particularly clever where women are concerned think “Gosh, nice woman” and everyone else has alarm bells going off in their head.

If she wins, the Conservative Party is going to put UKIP out of business. And not in a good way.

andrea leadsom