Eight years ago, Boris Johnson made a passionate case for Turkey joining the European Union

Published: July 4, 2016 at 10:48am

Here it is, in the video below. But in the Brexit campaign, he used the spectre of Turkey’s membership and millions of Turks flooding into Britain to scare the English (he was unsuccessful with the Scots and Northern Irish) into voting Leave.

The video was not used at all by the Remain campaign or journalists, except for once on BBC Radio 4’s World at One programme, at the 11th-hour stage of 22 June (the eve of the vote) when it was played to Johnson – sound only, of course, being radio – and he was challenged about it.

He replied: “That’s how I felt then. I still think it would be good for Turkey to join EU, but only on condition UK leaves.”

What sort of answer is that?

Johnson’s father, Stanley Johnson, is the grandson of a Turkish journalist and politician, Ali Kemal, who was murdered during the Turkish war of independence in 1922.