Heading into a vote with no plan for what comes afterwards

Published: July 2, 2016 at 1:43pm

Listen to this video. That’s all it boils down to, really: they’ve got what they wanted and now they don’t know what they’re going to do. There was no plan. Incidentally, nobody Maltese should allow British Leave voters to tell them that this issue is none of their business and that they should stay out of it, that it was for the British people to decide. I’m going to use capital letters here, to drive the point home clearly: MALTESE PEOPLE HAD THE VOTE IN THIS REFERENDUM, SO IT IS THEIR BUSINESS. THOUSANDS OF MALTESE PEOPLE VOTED IN THE BREXIT REFERENDUM AND HELPED SHAPED THE REMAIN RESULT.

People who have the vote by definition have a stake in the matter, are involved, and voted on an equal basis. In referendums and general elections, there are no first-class and second-class electors and ballots. They are all the same. In this referendum, Maltese people and British people had exactly the same vote. The vote was tied to residence and not just citizenship, which means that British people not resident in the UK could not vote either, but any Maltese resident in the UK could.