He’s still going on about his VIP tickets to the Isle of MTV concert

Published: July 3, 2016 at 12:56am

One of the reassuring aspects of the Brexit campaign (there had to be at least one) is that men who make a hash of things in politics because their serious personality flaws have driven them into public life, rather than keeping them out, are not the blight and bane of Malta alone.

Look at this one, though. He’s in his 40s, he was appointed to high public office (Law Reform Commissioner) by Prime Minister Muscat, and he’s is still kvetching about the time years ago when he wasn’t allowed into the VIP area at the Isle of MTV concert in Floriana. And he still wants to go to the Isle of MTV concert despite being middle-aged.

These ghastly men have turned politics and public life into a freak-show and a circus.

franco debono isle of MTV