Martin Scicluna finally realises that Muscat’s deal with Hani Hasan Naji Al Saleh is crooked

Published: July 15, 2016 at 2:51pm

Here’s an I-told-him-so moment if ever there was one. But as I have had occasion to remark several times before, the fact that Martin Scicluna is highly articulate and far better informed than most Maltese people masks the the other fact that he is not particularly bright.

He should have been able to work out a lot earlier that he was dealing with a bunch of crooks. And his experience in life should also have taught him that crooked people can’t do anything straight – that’s a reference to his favourite politician, the one he told us we should vote for.

Some men are so susceptible to flattery and ego-boosting that it’s quite unbelievable. You’d think they’d grow out of it – but no, apparently it gets worse with age. Instead of accepting the fact that they’ve got one foot in the grave, even after a longer and more interesting life than most people will ever have, they fall at the feet of anyone who makes them think they are still relevant.

If I am still making a public nuisance of myself at 80, please take me out and have me shot before my sons do. But I don’t think that’s going to happen, because Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 is engraved in my heart.

martin scicluna