Here is the list of those who were made Maltese citizens in 2015, sorted in alphabetical order by surname

Published: August 20, 2016 at 12:15pm

Those who need the list of Malta’s new citizens for 2015 (the latest list), in alphabetical order by surname, will find it here in Excel format.

The government published the list on 2 August in the Malta Government Gazette, sorted in alphabetical order by first name, in a sorry attempt at confounding exercises in identifying family groups.

A couple of readers sorted it into Excel by surname and sent in the documents which I have been using to identify families of Russian moguls.

Do note that many of the people on that list have been naturalised for the perfectly acceptable reasons of marriage for several years to a Maltese citizen, or having one Maltese parent or grandparent. This is especially obvious in those with Maltese surnames.

Bear in mind, too, that you can’t buy Maltese citizenship under the scheme if you are the citizen of another EU member state already (not that you would want to, because what would be the point), so anybody obviously Italian, say, or French, has not bought his citizenship.

The ones who have are, I’m afraid, screamingly obvious – to Maltese people at least, who know what the surname-mix is in this small society.

The two members of the government who are in charge of selling Maltese citizenship

The two members of the government who are in charge of selling Maltese citizenship