Muscat: Money makes his world go round

Published: August 7, 2016 at 3:12pm

The comment beneath, which has the voice of authenticity, has just been posted beneath Malta Today’s report on the Prime Minister’s habitual Sunday sermon on his party’s radio station. It was all about how much money everyone is making. He’s clear on his priorities and those of the ghastly individuals with whom he surrounds himself because he thinks they are the ‘upper class’ (on the basis simply of how much money they have and how much they show off about it), but he’s sorely mistaken about the priorities of others.

The anger and resentment that’s building up is enormous, and even though it’s concentrated in a much smaller group of the electorate, it’s extremely dangerous.

It shows just how out of touch Muscat and his people are with the concerns and priorities of those whose world does not spin on Middle Eastern values, that he actually said those things – and on the very morning when the newspapers are full of angry articles about the five corrupt towers which his government has made possible for the very same people who are building that corrupt power station on the basis of a deal fixed before the general election.


"I'd sell my grandmother for hard cash if I could."

“I’d sell my grandmother for hard cash if I could.”