UPDATED/This is the picture which sums up Muscat’s Malta
Muscat’s new middle class: the president of the Malta Developers Association and a bunch of other old and ugly rednecks with flus made from progress, ta, hi ‘dancing’ to music produced for people half their age with a retinue of tarts and gold-diggers from the more desperate parts of Europe – who are half their age – in a bar owned by a lap-dancing impresario whose numerous bars, clubs, restaurants and by-the-hour hotel may well be a front for something very different.
They’re no longer The Other Malta. They are Malta. Add a couple of flash Dubai skyscrapers into the mix, haul in the cocaine, bring out the naff Ferraris which are absolutely perfect for Maltese roads, and we’re sorted. The picture is complete.
But where do the rest of us fit in? That’s right, we don’t.
Note to Stella Artois: your brand association in this context is truly lousy.