The Batsh*t Crazy Book of Living and Dying Canaries and School Reports, by H. P. Baxxter
This piece was inspired by the comments-board beneath the post linked here.
Soon it will be the phase of the moon when people tune in. The punctual blues. The crescent moon. Tuna toast u espresso. Surdus. Ab surdus. Attention Archbishop: Cuius rei demonstrationem mirabilem sane detexi hanc marginis exiguitas non caperet, most times are such as to be contradicted immediately by FACTS Just to give you an example of who is fixated with whom Hermann Schiavone
Son la cinco de la manana y yo no he dormido nada. Lo que tu sientes, se llama obsecion. Una ilusion en tu pensamiento, que te hace hacer cosas. Carm Mifsud Bonnici. Sé que me muero de amor y solicito el dolor. An honest advise, and I had to propose a Holistic Justice Reform form the backbench form 2C Schiavone RCC
My client can sue you for LIBEL anytime Whoever is interested in Dr Angie Muscat’s 170-page as soon as I was elected to Parliament, in 2008, as the PN government’s youngest MP the Birth of Justice Reform’, a compendium of my justice reform proposals which effectively constitute the birth of justice reform in this country, can send an email on Fiorentina ma poiche frigida langue l’età 42 About Joe Cassar you say nothing?
Più l’alma rigida
Fiamme non ha.
Libellous, baseless, false, defamatory, baseless and false! And libellous! Lanqas nikkalkulak!
Right of Reply in terms of the Press Act The sky, safety net for those who feel lost. Belly of the Universe bears the Spaceman to the sea. Universal sea. We are sea, see. RCC. Herman Schiavone! Joe Cassar! Carm! Riformi kbar since Louis XVI. 1798! EUR17.98 biss! Offerta specjali fuq flokkijiet tal-Polo!
L-ghonq mhux imtella’! BASELESS DEFAMATORY LIBELLOUS! A LIBELLUS. UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD Amaaazing! Dejjem sexy! Dejjem smart! L-Arcisqof! Completely UNTRUE, FALSE, DEFAMATORY, LIBELLOUS, BASELESS and UNFOUNDED. Oṃ Maṇi Padme Hūṃ distinct criminal offense under art 251 Criminal Code.
Sexy u beautiful. Hemm hu l-king. Dejjem smart dott. DELEGACY OF LOCAL EXAMINATIONS GENERAL CERTIFICATE OF EDUCATION ADVANCED English Grade A(a)Kien hemm wiehed, gab l-O-level u A-levels tal-Ingliz grade A izda mbaghd x’kien li laqqgħana f’din id-dar hekk ħiemda
Inti forsi ma tafx, għasfur lelluxi;
U anqas taf il-għaliex, meta jien noħroġ
Nitlajja’ Strada Rjali fil-għodu, il-bieb niġbed warajja
U bil-moftieħ insakkru, u l-beda mixi
Carm Mifsud Bonnici Hermann Schiavone Joe Cassar RCC
U l-ebda nifs ma tisma’, qabel narġa’
Indawwar il-moftieħ u nidħol jiena.
Aħjar għalik ma tafx; Aħjar għalik! Hekk, hu ġo fik! hekk ebda sehem
F’għommti ma tieħu, u bejn il-jiem u l-iljieli
Tgħaddi bla niket xejn il-ħajja tiegħek.
Imma mhux tiegħi, għax kelli nistinka! Mix-xejn bnejt ufficju legali!
Top student minn dejjem! Form 2C
Riforma! Riforma! Parlament ta’ Malta – Mozzjoni Nru Zillions of sand grains in the mandala – Mozzjoni dwar l-Qasam tal-Qasma ta’ Qsamti ta’ Naqsmek ta’ Qasamni ta’ Qsim Bonarju ta’ Ghandi Qasma tal-Gustizzja L-mertu tieghi akbar.
Ma sibt xejn lest bhal x’uhud. kelli nqatta’ bi snieni. Kollox mix-xejn bdejt u wasalt ghal grazzja t’Alla adhuc terram non fecerat et flumina et cardines orbis terrae quando praeparabat caelos aderam quando certa lege. MBILLI NIMXI FI TRIQ IR-REPUBBLIKA! SE TIKKMANDANI MINN FEJN NGHADDI ISSA UKOLL GHAX MA TMURX TARA MINN FEJN JGHADDI SCHIAVONE!
Law Commissioner. Grade A 1991 BASELESS! DEFAMATORY! LIBELLOUS! LIBELLOUS AND DEFAMATORY! You will be bankrupt! I can file police report. Allura billi nrabbi l-kanarini? M’ghandix dritt? M’ghandix dritt intella’ ritratti fuq Facebook? Carm ghamel mitt selfie u jien ma nista naghmel lanqas wiehed?
Where the only hope is a boat and there is no boat.
I will put a boat, Kundun. Imbilli nohrog bil-boat? Hamallu allura? You decide who is hamallu? You decide who is normal? The Archbishop he is reading this? Did he tell the Pope?
Imbilli immur ghall-hut? Imbilli nhobb il-bahar? U r-ramel? Sand mandala I draw! Jien bniedem kalm! Nikteb haiku! Wara l-iehor!
PERESS ILLI l-Prim Imħallef fil-ftuħ tas-sena forensi saħaq illi jista’ jkun il-Gvern mhux jagħti l-importanza li jixraq lis-settur tal-ġustizzja kif qed jagħmel lil ċerti setturi tal-ekonomija, u peress illi l-ġustizzja, f’demokrazija, f’kull żmien, għandha tingħata importanza xierqa, għax hija waħda mill-komponenti essenzjali tad-demokrazija; PERESS ILLI ilni għal dawn l-aħħar snin nattira l-attenzjoni, permezz ta’ diskorsi ripetuti with folded hands I beseech all the Buddhas who wish to pass away to please remain for countless aeons and not to leave the world in darkness.
My foes will become nothing.
My friends will become nothing.
Likewise, I too will become nothing. LE I am not nothing. Form 2RCC Carm
Ghamilt proposti storici ghal riformi magguri
I will liberate those not liberated.
I will release those not released.
I will relieve those unrelieved.
GĦALDAQSTANT nipproponi li din il-Kamra tar-Rappreżentanti tiddiskuti dawn il-materji, u tirrisolvi dwar dawk il-miżuri u passi li għandhom jittieħdu u b’liema mod a compendium of my justice reform proposals which effectively constitute the birth of justice reform in this country
Second Republic Owen Joseph
I will settle all beings in Nirvana
I dedicate this Blog to Myself.
I do not recall saying that. No. They are lying. I do not need a psychiatrist. MHUX VERA LIBELLOUS AND DEFAMATORY. JOE CASSAR RESIGNED! Haiku Schiavone Carm Reformi Form 2RCC. MY CLIENT WAS NOT ARRAIGNED. THE 15KG OF COCAINE WAS IN HIS CAR BUT IT IS NOT HIS. Libel penalties police report ma nistax niekol kanarin mela se tikkmandani int.