Malta’s government has got to stop exporting its rubbish

Published: September 13, 2016 at 10:08pm

First Toni ‘Cocaine’ Abela and now Leo ‘Mintoff Corruption’ Brincat – the Maltese government has got to stop exporting its rubbish.

And those are just the two recycled-waste export attempts to the European Court of Auditors, where appointments appear to be taken far more seriously than they are at the European Commission, to which Malta exported two colossal pieces of rubbish: John ‘Corrupt As Hell’ Dalli and Karmenu ‘Mintoff Corruption’ Vella – who was sleazy Brincat’s colleague in Dom Mintoff’s human-rights-violating cabinet back in the ghastly 1980s.

Cocaine Abela is overwhelmingly voted against, and Colour Television Brincat just about scrapes through with 10 votes in his favour, nine against and one abstention. This when the other two chaps – from Cyprus and Portugal – who were interviewed in the same session were unanimously approved.

Then we discover that the only reason Colour TV Brincat made it through is because the underhanded Alfred Sant sneaked his way in as a substitute member of the committee and voted in his favour. The one vote with which Brincat made it through was that of Sant, in whose cabinet of government Brincat sat when Sant was prime minister in 1996 to 1998.

Brincat plugged the hole in Sant’s dyke – with catastrophic consequences for the economy – back then when Finance Minister Lino Spiteri resigned and Brincat took on the job of replacing value-added tax with a freaky square wheel called CET.

And then today the inevitable happened. Even as the sub-literate government trolls crowed all over the internet that Brincat had made it – because nobody bothered to tell them that they had better hold on until the high-risk plenary vote – he was spat out and stamped upon with an overwhelming 381 votes against, 229 in favour and 58 abstentions.

Can things be more clear than that? But not to that shady sleaze Brincat and the corrupt Maltese government for which he toils, because he has said that he will now take the matter before the European Council, which has the final say on the matter, technically.

Is the man mad? Or is he just as corrupt, greedy and devoid of behavioural standards as the painfully embarrassing government of which, until a few weeks ago, he formed part?

I think it’s the latter. The European Council will not over-rule the European Parliament, and should it go insane and do so, there will be hell to pay with the parliament. Nobody is going to create a major crisis at that level so as to accommodate the 70-year-old fishy sleaze who is the emissary of the corrupt Maltese government, and who formed part, in the early 1980s, of one of the worst, most corrupt and human-rights-violating European governments of the time. And given that, at the time, half of Europe was behind the Iron Curtain, that’s saying something.

These corrupt sleazes never die. Do we have to run a stake through their heart, or what?

Watch this brief video of Prime Minister Dom Mintoff threatening to arm his supporters to decimate the opposition, more than 30 years ago. Leo Brincat, who fancies he has enough integrity to be a member of the European Court of Auditors, is the madman ringed in red.

Forty years down the line, this fishy sleaze is still polluting Maltese politics and is now trying to ram down the door to a quarter-of-a-million-euros-a-year salary at the European Court of Auditors. It seems the only way to get rid of these foul Mintoffian politicians from Malta's dark ages is to run a stake through their heart and hope for the best.

Forty years down the line, this fishy sleaze is still polluting Maltese politics and is now trying to ram down the door to a quarter-of-a-million-euros-a-year salary at the European Court of Auditors. It seems the only way to get rid of these foul Mintoffian politicians from Malta’s dark ages is to run a stake through their heart and hope for the best.