Political appointee John Bundy starts as he means to go on
John Bundy, the completely uneducated and untrained former radio DJ whom the government has deemed fit to appoint CEO of the national TV and radio stations, as a useful puppet on a string, has started as he means to go on.
Instead of calling brainstorming meetings with people who actually know something about running a public service broadcaster, to see how unnecessary expenditure can be cut, revenue raised and quality improved at the floor-moppingly dreary stations of which he is now in charge, he has popped off to Cologne for the Eurovision Young Musicians wotsit.
A reader of this website snapped him at the airport last Wednesday before she could see to which gate he was headed, but then the mystery was solved when people watching the event live just now on TVM2 spotted him in the audience.
And there you have it. Somehow the notion has developed that TVM’s and Radio Malta’s CEO is actually the CEO of Malta’s universally mocked (except in Malta) dogged and humourless determination to “win the Eurovision”.
As for Bundy, the hick from the sticks must feel so important and relevant. As for me, I have always wondered – usually out loud – about these straight Maltese men who develop an obsession with the Eurovision Song Contest, the song, the performer, and ‘winning it’. Are they weird or are they weird.