Corrupt government minister Konrad Mizzi has discovered Tippex
Konrad Mizzi, the corrupt government minister who negotiated and signed off on every shady deal this government has struck with suspect operators – from the sale of a power station and a chunk of Enemalta to China, to the Fenech/Gasan power station, to the privatisation of state hospitals – has discovered Tippex.
More than a few bottles have been used in blanking out key words, figures, names and entire passages of the contract he signed with Vitals, the fishy company which started out as Vitalis, and whose ownership is completely concealed by a nominee company in the British Virgin Islands.
Vitals will be taking over St. Luke’s, Karin Grech and Gozo General hospitals, making Malta probably the only country in the world which doesn’t know who is operating its state hospitals.
Mizzi was made Health Minister specifically to work on this highly suspect hospital privatisation deal. He was already Energy Minister, but Godfrey Farrugia – who was Health Minister at the time – was kicked out for no reason (the reason became clear later, with this deal) and the job given to Mizzi.
Given that the ultimate beneficial ownership of Vitals is concealed and can never be uncovered because of the secrecy protecting companies in the British Virgin Islands, we have good reason to suspect that Konrad Mizzi, on behalf of Muscat’s government, may well have signed the hospitals over to – among others – himself, the Prime Minister’s chief of staff, John Dalli and an assortment of crooks using a front.
Meanwhile, the government has conveniently protected secretly-owned Vitals from the need to answer questions put to it by journalists and members of parliament.

Konrad Mizzi’s got to work with his bottle of Tippex.

Next time, make it Tippex.