Tell us more about your Panama company and New Zealand trust, Minister

Published: October 7, 2016 at 1:08pm

Konrad Mizzi said in court yesterday, while under oath on the witness stand, that he set up his trust in New Zealand (as opposed to setting it up in, say, Malta) because New Zealand “exchanges information with Malta”.

No, it doesn’t. In fact, the secrecy and obscurity of New Zealand trusts, the way ultimate beneficial owners are concealed, and the total lack of scrutiny of the origin of funds are currently major issues of debate in that country itself, and the prime minister there is fighting major criticism.

Corrupt cabinet minister Konrad Mizzi with Toni Abela, who will soon be sitting in judgement over the corruption of others.

Corrupt cabinet minister Konrad Mizzi with Toni Abela, who will soon be sitting in judgement over the corruption of others.