Blink and you’ll miss it: the privatisation of Malta’s public hospitals

Published: November 23, 2016 at 12:45pm

They say that ‘young people’ aren’t interested in what’s going on, but in both the Brexit referendum and in the US presidential election, they’ve turned out to be the ones with their heads screwed on properly, while their parents and grandparents stampeded towards the cliff-edge.

This is the best-informed and most insightful piece I have read so far about the highly suspect privatisation of Malta’s public hospitals, and it’s written by a medical student.

It should, of course, have been written by some stalwart of the Malta Chamber of Commerce and Industry, or some big cheese in medicine and surgery, or some union boss. It should also have been written by one of Malta’s large army of largely useless newspaper columnists, who seem to prefer telling us about their terribly trying First World Problems with traffic and ambient noise. But there you go. Malta: the place where bad things happen because those who can stop them are either completely useless or too busy protecting their own interests, making hay while the sun shines or saving their neck while watching others go under the guillotine.
