Instead of dealing with Air Malta, ED ZL tweets about “turiżmu roża”

Published: November 23, 2016 at 5:56pm

Edward Zammit Lewis, as the minister responsible for Air Malta, should be busy working out solutions for that particular problem. Instead, he’s tweeting about ‘pink tourism’, and of course, so that Maltese people who don’t understand English will know what he means, he calls it “turiżmu roża”. There’s just one problem he’s got there: Maltese people who know no English don’t know what ‘pink tourism’ and the ‘pink pound’ are, because they’re word-concepts coined in English. So translating them into Maltese is only going to make them more confused.

“X’inhu turiżmu roża, Joe?”

“Fejn iż-ż*** naf.”

“Naħseb xi ħaġa tal-pufti, għax tefa ritratt ta’ tnejn f’dak il-post li jmorru l-Ġnejna.”

“Mela l-pufti roża? Dawk mhux rejnbaw flekk?”

“Rejnbaw flekk x’il-ostra hi?”

“Mhux dik tar-rigi, bhaż-żepra krossink tal-Furjana?”

“Isma, ħi, suppost ngħidulhom gejssss, għax issa Joseph qalilna li aħna liberali u mhux soċjalisti tal-Labour.”

