Progressive, liberal Labour MP demands help from senior churchman

Published: December 14, 2016 at 11:22pm

So now journalists who reveal the stories that the Labour government wants to hide are “hate bloggers”, and the Archbishop should “condemn” them at the request of politician-surgeons who invest their money with real-estate developers like the shady Joseph ‘Skyscraper’ Portelli of Gozo, or who set up covert companies in Panama and the British Virgin Islands, like the politician-surgeon’s respectable colleagues, Konrad Mizzi and Keith Schembri.

This would be the very same Archbishop on whom those very same politicians and their aides have launched a sustained onslaught of insult and intimidation.

Of course, they have to drag him into it, to show how tar-raħal and ta’ wara l-muntanji they are in thinking that churchmen are in charge of morality and the arbiters of all things moral, and that the Archbishop, being the boss of churchmen, is the island boss of morals. Because if the Archbishop “condemns” me, I will – it goes without saying – shut up and obey, given how everyone knows I’m a regular church-goer and prayer-group member.

What would these ridiculous Maltese politicians and camp-followers (and, in many cases, camp followers) do if they were politicians in Germany or Italy or France? Who would they summon as the judge of “hate bloggers”? Kemm huma ridikoli, jaħasra.

Imbasta “liberal and progressive”: neqirdu dwar il-gay marriage u l-moRRninKK-EfteRR pill, imbagħad immorru nokorbu għand l-Arċisqof u nugżaw lil Daphne talli qalet fuqna. Sorry, mhux lil Daphne, imma s-saħħara tal-Bidnija, għax taf int, fil-medjoevo ta’ Malta fis-sena 2016, in-nisa li ma joqgħodux bravi u f’posthom u li ma jobdux l-irgiel u minflok jgħidu kontrihom nittimbrawhom bħala sħaħar. Imma sfortunatament daż-żmien kontra l-ligi li taħraqhom fil-misraħ, allura minflok nqabbdu t-tools tal-Partit Laburista ħalli joqgħodu jgħajruhom u jmaqdruhom u jgħidu x’daqs ta’ patata ghandhom. Bħal daq li qallu n-nisa b’sormom jaħsbu – taf int, bħalma l-Ministru Owen u l-Ministru Chris jaħsbu bil-parti ta’ quddiem.
