Individuals who know too much are now at risk

Published: December 12, 2016 at 3:39pm

I have just received the following email, and I think the man who sent it is right:

It seems the stage has been reached where some of those who are deeply involved know too much, and if they talk, Muscat will pull the plug.

My feeling now is that either another 1980s-style murder/disappearance is being organised, with or without a frame-up and the collusion of the police, so that he or they who know too much will be dispatched out of circulation on a permanent basis. The dead can’t speak.

This is too close to the Fusellu/Lorry Sant/Piju Camilleri corruption level.

Back last April, I had written this. Lino Cauchi was the accountant who knew about the shady dealings in which Malta’s most corrupt politicians were involved, in the 1980s. He left his home one day, briefcase in hand, and was never seen alive again. He was just 32.

Many years later, the remains of a dismembered body – just bits of bones by that stage – were found in a disused well. They were identified by DNA testing as being Lino Cauchi’s. He had been smashed over the head with a hard object and then cut to pieces with a saw. There’s another article here.

You can read more here. Piju Camilleri, who is mentioned in this article in The Times of five years ago as being possibly involved in the murder of that accountant, is the great-uncle of Fernando Agius, who co-starred in the Prime Minister’s New Year’s message for this year, pretending to be a working-class man who bought his kitchen thanks to government aid. His mother is Camilleri, and her father and Piju Camilleri are brothers. The family are called Tal-Hawsla.

The individuals most at risk in this situation are Karl Cini and Brian Tonna, the corrupt accountants who are the only ones – other than the actual people involved – who know who owns Egrant Inc, the third company in Panama, and who know every last detail of Konrad Mizzi’s secret financial and company arrangements and more crucially, who handle all Keith Schembri’s tangled web of offshore affairs, many of which fraudulent arrangements predate his entry to government.

With Schembri now diagnosed with terminal cancer and not been given long to live, and with Brian Tonna holding his power of attorney, the stage is set for one of the classic scenarios of human greed, first set down by Chaucer in The Canterbury Tales, by the Pardoner, as the tale of three friends who find a hoard of treasure under a tree and wind up deceiving and murdering each other to keep the whole to themselves. This gave us the motto Radix malorum est Cupiditas (greed, sometimes translated as love of money, is the root of all evil).

