Janice Bartolo thinks journalists shouldn’t report that the PM’s chief of staff is dying
But it’s fine for journalists to have secret sex with a married cabinet minister, especially if they have a young child. That only makes it better.
And it’s fine for married government ministers, especially if they are ministers of justice and even better if they are ministers for the family, to have secret sex with journalists.
It’s also fine for journalists who are having sex in secret with married government ministers to hassle them until they leave their wife and child.
And it’s fine for government ministers to cheat repeatedly on wives who are hardworking nurses at the state hospital, to try to pick up 13-year-old girls off the internet, and to make ex-lovers magistrates, then run off with journalists. That’s all good stuff. Exciting, you know? Like, wow. Amazing u wertit.
But it’s not fine for journalists to report that the Prime Minister’s chief of staff has terminal cancer, and that the Prime Minister and other government officials are trying to keep this fact hidden even though the chief of staff hasn’t been in to the office or appeared in public with his boss for almost three months.
It’s also fine for the Prime Minister’s chief of staff to enter office with a ready-made web of secret offshore companies set up to strip his legitimate company of profits and to defraud the authorities, then collude with the Prime Minister and a cabinet minister to set up new secret companies in Panama three days after taking office.
And it’s fine for journalists who are having sex with a cabinet minister to avoid writing about all that so as not to upset their lover, and because they are not really journalists but employees of the Labour Party.
What a ridiculous woman you are, Miss Bartolo. Watch it, lovey, because it’s only a matter of time before that louse the Justice Minister cheats on you too, if he hasn’t done so already. You’re too young, too inexperienced and too impressed to know how these things always pan out. And quite frankly, serves you bloody well right when it happens.
Sabiħ ukoll, Owen Bonnici – il-mara l-isptar tbiddel il-bed pans u l-faxxex u l-intravenous drips, u hu joqmos fis-sodda wara darha ma’ impjegata single u ddisprata tal-partit, waqt li hu ministru tal-ġustizzja. Veru kas. The most feminist government ever.
P.S. Political party employees with microphones are not in a position to teach anybody about journalism.