WATCH/What populism really looks like: live feed to Silvio Parnis’s coffee morning
Silvio Parnis has a live feed to his coffee morning right now on one of his several Facebook pages.
This is what populism really looks like, and it isn’t pretty. Populism is just another word for mob rule, and those who bother reading about history – not just Europe’s, either – know that it invariably ends up with some kind of blood-bath, with even worse results for the people who wanted better.
The irony is that the populist vote or mob is invariably manipulated by cunning individuals with a self-serving plan who are absolutely not interested in bettering the living conditions of the masses. Look at the United States, where the populist vote has, crazily, reinstated the excesses of 18th-century Versailles.
People ‘voted against the elite’ only to have Nigel Farage, blasphemously dressed as Lord Nelson (Farage would have fled at the first sign of physical danger or the first shot), at a fabulously extravagant costume ball for millionaires, hosted by billionaire Donald Trump, who lives in a triplex in a Manhattan skyscraper he owns, while keeping a 120-room mansion in Florida as a holiday home.