Malta sinks by 10 places on Transparency International’s Corruption Index in just one year

Published: January 25, 2017 at 9:59am

Malta was 37th on Transparency International’s Corruption Perceptions Index in 2015. In 2016, it sank to 47th place, and now ranks below the Bahamas.

It was the year when the world discovered that Malta’s Energy Minister, Konrad Mizzi and the Prime Minister’s chief of staff, Keith Schembri, had begun the process to set up covert companies in Panama, sheltered by secret trusts in New Zealand, just days after coming to power in March 2013, and that the Prime Minister isn’t able or willing to do anything about it because a third Panama company associated with theirs is almost certainly his.

It was the year when people watched as the Commissioner of Police resigned rather than do anything about, the chief of the Financial Intelligence Analysis Unit left his post in despair, Labour Party functionaries and failed politicians were made magistrates and judges, state councils, institutions, government departments, commissions and committees were ‘ethnically cleansed’ even further to give the government absolute control and the ability to instil fear in others through the threat of retaliatory measures and vengeance.

Hospitals, the power station, skyscrapers, public transport, public appointments, the Jordanian University of Bribes and Baksheesh represented in Malta by the Labour Party’s long-time auditor – nothing has been left untainted by corruption and scandal.

This is the supposedly liberal and progressive, most transparent government ever in the history of Malta. And then the corrupt idiots actually imagine that Lloyd’s is going to set up its new headquarters in this filthy place, with such a bad reputation, post Brexit. They got put in their place pretty rapidly on that one.

Under their watch, Malta fell 10 places on Transparency International’s Corruption Perceptions Index in just a year