The Prime Minister lied when he said he would publish all contracts by the end of 2016
Back in April, when parliament gave a confidence vote in Konrad Mizzi, the Prime Minister stood up and said: “By the end of this year, we will publish those major contracts which we have signed, to show that we have nothing to fear from transparency.” On Labour Day a few days later, he said the same thing when addressing a mass meeting of his supporters.
But he hasn’t published any of those contracts, except for a heavily blacked-out version of a contract with Vitals Global Healthcare, a start-up company whose ownership is concealed by nominees in the British Virgin Islands.
It has not published its contracts with Henley & Partners, Electrogas Malta Ltd, the Jordanian contractor Hani Hasan Naji Al Salah and his Maltese-registered company Sadeen Education Investment Ltd, and the contracts pertaining to its various deals with the State Oil Company of Azerbaijan and with Shanghai Electric Power.

Another shady deal signed, another contract kept hidden from the press and the public.