“You want come to my farm, see my ducks u hekk?”

Published: January 4, 2017 at 12:59am

This video of a young tourist climbing a tower crane in a semi-rural area of Malta, while speaking into the camera, made the news today.

But I think the best bit – the very best – is before he climbs up, when he’s still down on the road and you see a beat-up old pick-up truck slowing down, then stopping, and the unseen driver – who sounds like the type who would mow you down if you called him ‘pufta’ – calls out, “You want come see my farm? I going there now. If you want you come with me, see my ducks u hekk.”

I wonder how he feels about ending up on YouTube, the Times of Malta and this website. And here’s hoping his wife doesn’t speak English. “Le, Mar, kemm waqaft insaqsieħ jekk għandux bżonn xi ħaġa.”