Enid Blyton: Joseph and the Baddies pack the sandwiches and ginger ale for a picnic at Girgenti
February 19, 2017 at 1:04am
Qishom qatt ma ħarġu mid-dar. Looks like they had an emergency pow-wow to sort out their mounting problems. Well, not to sort them out, but to lay down the law on how best to hide them from the press and the public.
Picnic basket, Fr Godwin Preca u xi kitarra kien jonqoshom, b’kulħadd ikanta Kumbaya. How do you graduate from that to the nasty stuff, the corruption and the companies and bank accounts dotted all over the shadier parts of the globe?
“Is that man in the picture really our Prime Minister?” ‘Fraid so, chaps. “Oh my God, but how did it happen?” Oh, you know – people believe all sorts of lies when their hearts are hungry and they press the pause button on their minds.