Human rights NGOs say “absolute no” to Malta’s attempts to talk Europe into turning refugees away

Published: February 3, 2017 at 1:52am

This press statement was released in the early hours through the human rights group, Aditus. It’s a timely reminder that this island is now in the grip of fascists who distribute citizenship and residence visas to their cronies in a series of financial deals, but then treat the little man, the most vulnerable, like disposable chattels whose lives can be wrecked without conscience at the push of a button.

To hell with all those ghastly people – the sooner we get rid of them, the better. This country needs far, far fewer Keith Schembris, Konrad Mizzis, Christian Cardonas and other assorted scum, and more decent, honest, hardworking people like the ones they’re trying to ship out because they can’t cough up the cash for a passport to Henley & Partners and Identity Malta, or write a cheque out to that corrupt accountant Brian Tonna for a ‘golden residence visa’.