The Minister for the Economy and his EU presidency policy aide have committed the crime of perjury already
A senior lawyer has just written in to point out, in response to this post, that Christian Cardona, a warranted lawyer, member of parliament, deputy Labour Party leader and Minister for the Economy, has committed the crime of perjury already. And so has his EU presidency policy aide, Joe Gerada, who is also a warranted lawyer.
Under Article 830 (2) of the Code of Organisation and Civil Procedure, precautionary warrants can be obtained only by taking an oath that the facts on which they base their claim are true.
They have each obtained two precautionary warrants so far, which means they have each committed the crime of perjury twice, and this even before the four cases have gone to court.
Because they will both have to testify under oath in all four cases (they will need to testify in each other’s cases), they plan to perjure themselves another four times each to add to the twice they have done so already.
Holding public office exacerbates the gravity of the crime they have committed.