Send them to the Tower. Off with the traitors’ heads.
Do take care not to use the hashtag #bringbacktheguillotine anywhere near Marie Louise Coleiro’s name, nor suggest that she be taken out and shot.
Because it is liberal and progressive, instead of doing away altogether with that article in the Press Act that lays down a prison sentence of up to nine years, and a fine of €1,164, for inciting people to assassinate the head of state, the government has INCREASED the penalty, by raising the fine to €5,000.
Why, exactly? It’s not as though we have ever had crowds marching in the streets, trying to lynch one of the dull and powerless incumbents of San Anton Palace.
Meanwhile, the Committee to Protect Journalists’ report on Turkey this week includes the following, considered noteworthy enough to be a listed as a grave incident against journalists.

Marie Louise Coleiro Preca with Tayyeb Erdogan