Married politician with two children longs for love in his state-funded car

Published: March 1, 2017 at 6:15pm

That’s what they all say, Mr Sports Council Chairman and Labour MP: that it’s love they’re looking for. Perhaps you’ll find it behind Queens tal-Pastizzi, unless Mark Abela gets there first.

As for most of the rest of us, what we’re longing for is a return to normality, with decent people running the country and sitting in government, and not having to wake up every day wondering how those for whom you’re a stooge are cheating and lying to us.

Make hay while the sun shines, buster, because in one or six years, you’re going to be back in the gutter with Dorothy’s shoes – u addio karozza u xufier mhallsin minn flus il-poplu.

Oh, and another thing: when you and your wife go to counselling sessions, use your own car, pay for your own petrol, and drive yourself there. Using a publicly-funded car and chauffeur to help you sort out your marital problems, and this during working hours, really is the pits.

And while you’re at it, you can both stop loading your Facebook pages with lovey-dovey protest-too-much pictures and inane comments about your perfect life, because that invariably gives out the message that’s the opposite of the fake impression you wish to convey. Can you people do anything at all without lying about it? When you’re in marriage counselling, don’t plaster your Facebook page with the sort of pictures teenage couples take. It’s a really bad idea. You don’t have to lie about that too.

Your tennis-playing wife with her disabled parking badge and her five-inch heels, you with your publicly-funded car and chauffeur and your state salary for doing sweet FA – the day when you get out of our faces and the public trough can’t come soon enough.