1999: Glenn Bedingfield and Joseph Muscat, the Super One mates

Published: April 7, 2017 at 7:07pm

It’s fascinating how Muscat’s body language, gestures, way of sitting, facial expressions, cocky smirk, self-satisfied pomposity, verbal tics, hand gestures and manner of speaking to an audience have not changed one bit from his 20s to his 40s. Over the last couple of years, he’s had a bit of help with the suits, though.

This double interview is dull and boring, and production standards are abysmal, but be sure to watch the opening scene and then speed right through to the end for the cringe-making sight of Muscat calling the Archbishop “Mons” and touching and patting him like he’s the learned village doctor and the Archbishop is some illiterate old codger who’s stopped by to ask him to read out a letter he’s received from America.