Cabinet ministers knock on doors for votes during office hours

Published: April 7, 2017 at 8:06pm

Konrad Mizzi, the Minister Within the Office of the Prime Minister, and Edward Zammit Lewis, the Tourism Minister, were seen knocking on doors for votes in their constituencies during office hours today.

Both of them were using their government chauffeurs and government cars with official GM plates. The Tourism Minister’s car, GM 23, is seen in the photograph below, taken on a Birkirkara street. One of his aides waits, carrying an umbrella, outside a house which Zammit Lewis has just entered. He was accompanied by a small entourage.

A reader who lives in Birkirkara sent in a camera-photograph of a note (seen below) which was pushed through his letterbox by vote-canvassers working for Zammit Lewis, which states clearly that the cabinet minister would be knocking on doors for party votes, rather than working for the country, on a Friday workday.

The same reader said in an email to this website: “It is disgraceful that the Tourism Minister should be making house-calls for votes when he should be hard at work in his office making sure that Air Malta is saved and that its hundreds of employees have a future.”

Another reader contacted this website from Paola – Konrad Mizzi’s constituency – this morning to say that Mizzi was being driven “around the streets behind the health centre”. She added that he was clearly knocking on doors “but his driver is finding it impossible with this project they are supposed to be carrying out in the main square, so the Minister gets out at the corner and his driver hands him a pack of what look like visiting cards”.