Prime Minister releases ‘Gozo drugs’ report calling Malta Today story fiction

Published: April 9, 2017 at 1:09pm

Joseph Muscat would sell his mother to gain personal advantage and/or to save himself. Alfred Sant, on whose coat-tails he climbed to power and then displaced and betrayed without a qualm, discovered that in 2008.

Some people just take a little longer to wake up to the reality of the viper in their nest.

I’m not going to enter into the merits of whether the Gozo/drugs/ministers story is true. I happen to think that it is, and even added further information here. My point here is that the Prime Minister and his chief of staff, Keith Schembri – who Malta Today never writes about, had you noticed? – were more than happy to have Malta Today serve as a conduit for their leaks and stories.

And now they are even happier to stab Malta Today in the back with a report that concludes the newspaper’s story was a bunch of lies, to protect the government’s (for which read Muscat’s) interests.

Nobody should ever trust somebody like Muscat as far as they can throw him. Sensible people sort others out on the basis of their character, not on the basis of common enemies or shared personal animosities, like a mutual hatred of this website and the person who writes it.

You won’t catch me using somebody like a dishrag and then knifing them to save my skin. And I’m quite sure even Saviour Balzan knows that. Betrayal isn’t pretty. It is one of the worst feelings possible, and the one most guaranteed to provoke a strong adverse response in the betrayed.