Yes, Malta is a profoundly strange place – no doubt about that

Published: April 23, 2017 at 6:54am

Posted by Ryan Murdock

I agree that Trump being president of the US is completely surreal, Brexit is a stupid move, and corruption exists all over the place. Absolutely. But to cite them as excuses for what’s happening in Malta reads like whataboutism.

I have spent decades traveling to nearly 100 countries. I’ve earned a university degree in Anthropology. And I am very well read. I also spent 6 years living on your island.

I can assure you that Malta is a profoundly strange place. I would venture to say that aspects of the culture are sick, or even rotten.

The Malta we see today is a direct outcome of a cultural adaptation, the very same amoral familism which the anthropologist Jeremy Boissevain wrote about in the 1960s.

I feel very sorry for those honest individuals I met during my time there. You are in a minority, and you deserve so much better.