Azerbaijan’s most famous journalist asks whether the Maltese government is learning oppression tactics from the rulers of her country

Published: May 16, 2017 at 8:14pm

Khadija Ismayil is the most famous journalist in Azerbaijan, celebrated for her work of opposition to the Azerbaijani regime, whose corrupt practices she investigates. When she was imprisoned on trumped-up charges, she became an international cause celebre and Amal Clooney took her case before the European Court of Human Rights.

The link to the article in the Times of Malta is here. This is yet another example of shameless silencing tactics by the criminals who have hijacked the Labour Party, the government and the country.

When Matthew began posting his ‘corruption facts’ reports with documents, they were shared widely and repeatedly, with 4,000 people starting to follow him on Facebook and 3,000 friend requests in a couple of days.

The inevitable happened: targeted complaints, lawyers’ letters, and interestingly, the posts which have been removed are those which feature the scanned passports of those crooks.