Does Labour only get testimonials from this kind of person?

Published: May 25, 2017 at 10:34am

Felix Busuttil, a retired dancer in his late 50s, took to the stage at one of Muscat’s mass meetings to tell the country that he supports Muscat because it is thanks to him that he has been able to marry his boyfriend Daron.

God forbid we should all reason that way.

The irony is that all this time down the line, Felix still hasn’t paid the bill for his wedding reception, despite several meetings to try to come to some arrangement. Sources told this website that the situation has now reached the stage where the caterers and venue-owners where the lavish wedding reception was held are now forced into considering legal action to claim what is due to them.

Does Joseph Muscat collect these people – Karl Stagno Navarra is another one – or do they collect him?