Pilatus Bank slips up and reveals that the documents did come from its offices
From a statement released to the media by Pilatus Bank yesterday (reproduced below):
The Bank has also filed a criminal complaint with the Maltese police for the leak of confidential documents and information from documents of the Financial Intelligence Analysis Unit (FIAU) about the Bank to third parties not privy to such information, that were subsequently published.
The Bank takes matters of confidentiality extremely seriously and will pursue all individuals and parties who have disclosed information that the law considers as confidential, as well for misappropriating confidential information of the Bank including trade secrets with swift international and local legal actions for all damages.
Pilatus Bank has slipped up badly here, as the only documents described in the media are the two declarations of trust which the whistle-blower scanned from the bank’s safe, and which the Prime Minister and his crooked cohorts are calling “fake”, the text of which was reproduced on this website.

Sayed Ali Sadr Hasheminejad, owner of Pilatus Bank – an Iranian who travels on a St Kitts & Nevis passport which he bought from Henley & Partners in 2009.