All Simon Busuttil had to do was remind us that he’s normal, because the other one isn’t

Published: May 31, 2017 at 11:56pm

I was driving back home from Valletta this morning when the traffic slowed just beneath a billboard with Muscat’s Photoshopped face on it. It was a fine day, one of my favourite songs was playing on the radio, and I had the window down.

I don’t know what came over me (I say that only because my mother will be reading this), but I stuck my arm out of the window, raised my middle finger at Joseph Muscat and kept it there as I drove slowly past.

And I enjoyed every bit of it, so much so that I flipped the birdie at him every time I saw his face at a juncture en route to my war-room. There were also a few choice words mentioned which, because of the aforementioned mother reading this, I won’t repeat.

I won’t be flipping any fingers at this one, because at the very least, he’s normal.