Come on, Mrs Buttigieg – you can’t possibly be serious with all this going on
No member of parliament should ever post anything like this, let alone in the current circumstances. Nobody should advertise their stomach problems or illnesses on Facebook. It’s not interesting, it’s nobody business, and it makes the advertiser look needy.
When you’re a member of parliament, it just looks ridiculous. When you’re a member of the Opposition and the Opposition is going through a really major crisis, it makes you look silly, self-absorbed and detached from reality.
And when you’re a woman in public life, you’ve got to be even more careful not to look idiotic, for reasons that should not have to be spelled out.
I’m not feeling particularly well myself, but it hasn’t stopped me spending the entire day, and then some, commenting about current affairs. Funny how so many members of parliament – just look at their Facebook pages – think that current affairs are no concern of theirs.