Lawyers break collegial silence to speak openly against Adrian Delia – they know he’s shady
Lawyers, more than anybody else outside financial services, know exactly what Adrian Delia was up to with that undisclosed bank account in Jersey: laundering money for a prostitution racket. If it were legitimate rent, the people to whom it was paid would have deposited it directly into their bank accounts and not into Adrian Delia’s bank account in Jersey with instructions to him to pay it back out to accounts linked to their companies incorporated in a secretive jurisdiction. In money-laundering, this is called ‘layering’. The money is passed from one account to another, while being split up in various amounts, until it is next to impossible to keep track of it.
This is exactly what the Financial Intelligence Analysis Unit investigated Keith Schembri and Adrian Hillman for: it wasn’t government corruption because the money-laundering occurred before 2013. It was for moving large amounts of money about from one offshore company and offshore bank account to another, in a process of layering that is typical of money-laundering. That is why the FIAU asked the police to proceed against them.
If it was not OK for Keith Schembri and Adrian Hillman to do it, it is not OK for Adrian Delia to do it.