Mrs Buttigieg, you’re not helping to build people’s confidence in the Opposition

Published: August 29, 2017 at 11:04pm

After announcing her gastroenteris on Facebook yesterday, Opposition MP Claudette Buttigieg today published her medical certificate.

Enough of this, please. The political scene is in meltdown and members of parliament are behaving like idiots. Do you not see how this kind of thing is perceived out there, especially at a time of crisis? If I had to sum up in one word the thing that’s most needed in Maltese politics, it’s gravitas. First it fled the Labour Party, and then it went AWOL from the Nationalist Party.

I will never forget how, after the 2013 general election, a member of the new Nationalist Oppposition, which had been resoundingly defeated at the polls, uploaded a photograph of her imqarrun on Facebook. And then we laugh at Silvio Parnis.

If it’s not pictures of their lunch or their shoes or their warrants or their Form IIC report or their children’s homework or the fish they’ve eaten, it’s pictures of their medical certificates. Grow up, the bunch of you. You’re supposed to be the Opposition, even though it’s summer and parliament is in recess. Do your blinking job.