The Nationalist Party’s Ethics Committee “was not satisfied” with Adrian Delia’s “unclear explanations”
I think it is important to point out that the Nationalist Party’s Ethics Committee did not write the report it did “because of that blog”, as Adrian Delia’s supporters are trying to spin it already.
It is clear from the statement released last night that the Ethics Committee interviewed him at length (it interviewed the other three contenders, too) but “was not satisfied” with his “unclear explanations”. The statement said that he could give no proper explanation for his bank account in Jersey, nor for the use to which it was put.
The Nationalist Party’s Administrative Council then discussed the Ethics Committee’s report last night and on the basis of its findings, from its interview with Dr Delia, decided that he should be asked to reconsider his position. This means: please withdraw from the race.
If it had simply demanded outright that he withdraw, Dr Delia would have immediately begun to mobilise his troops of headless chickens, thugs and self-interested operators who are aiming for a position for themselves when he becomes leader (the real ‘klikka’ and ‘hidden hands’) and caused as much trouble as he can.
This is because, contrary to his declarations, he is not interested in politics, does not consider the political organisation to “be bigger than any individual”, and does he have the best interests of the Nationalist Party at heart.
That is exactly why he has never bothered with politics ever, in all his life – and he is now almost 50 – and has shown absolutely no interest, but is now trying to bend the organisation to his will from the outside with the help of self-interested operators from within.
The behaviour you are seeing now is a very bad sign of what the future holds. It is dictatorial behaviour: the inability to work in an organisation, play as part of a team, cooperate with others, understand that it is not all about you, and listen to what people are saying. This is a bully who will in turn be bullied by Labour because of his vulnerabilities and his association with them.
The signs of extreme agitation that Dr Delia is now showing are an indicator of three things: that he is truly desperate to become Nationalist Party leader and because of this we have to ask why; that he cannot cope under pressure; and that one of the reasons why political parties have to be led by politicians is that they know how to handle these situations.
Manuel Delia, who was never an elected politician himself but an aide for around two decades to Nationalist politicians in government, dealing with a constant political pressure and media onslaughts, wrote a good piece about the situation yesterday evening. I recommend you read it.