Here are the results, which are as expected

Published: September 2, 2017 at 10:49pm

The best news is that Frank Portelli polled just 11 votes, and this will hopefully put that particular jack in his box for good – though I strongly suspect PN leader Delia will take him on in some role in his new proto-fascist party that used to be the centre-left-liberal Nationalist Party.

A requiem for all that. Civilised people no longer have a political home, and if Alternattiva Demokratika and the Democratic Party know their onions, they’ll leap in now. This is the Zeitgeist – Trumpism – and unfortunately, it is also the ruination of Malta, because the United States has strong institutions and Malta does not.

This is textbook ‘splitting the opposition’. With a bit of luck, and just Said and Delia facing the party members for election, the opposition won’t be split and Delia will have a rougher ride. But my realistic assessment is that he will actually have an easier one because party members are far less clued up than party councillors, and Delia will coast home as expected.

Delia 616
Said 425
Perici Calascione 296
Frank Portelli 11