I’m watching the performance on NET TV

Published: September 14, 2017 at 9:04pm

Please post your comments and observations beneath. So far, we have had a history lesson from Adrian Delia, talking about “us” – when he never bothered about politics until now, the age of 50.

It never occurred to me before as I began to nod off, but he has the voice and intonation of a priest saying 11 o’clock mass: Father Adrian. A corrupt priest, of course, like something written by Graham Greene. Really, really patronising.

Chris Said sounds like a politician who knows what he’s talking about. Good. But he really needs to lose those spectacles. War on specs! Leave them at home.

Oh, God. It’s Fr Adrian the corrupt priest again (with more specs). There he goes, touching his nose.

Good, Said is having a go at Delia about his allusions to the mysterious and nameless “the Establishment”. And Delia can’t stop interrupting in that super-patronising way which must drive the people around him absolutely nuts.