Kristy and Jean Pierre Debono are now out of the closet

Published: September 3, 2017 at 1:14pm

Emboldened by the near certainty that Adrian Delia will coast home to victory on 16th September and that the election is just a formality, Jean Pierre Debono, who has been the Nationalist Party’s assistant secretary-general for the last nine years and who is now also a member of parliament, and his wife Kristy, also a member of parliament, are no longer staying in the closet of secrecy and pretending not to have been Adrian Delia’s key enablers and co-conspirators.

They are parading about with him already, and last night Mr Debono was there shouting instructions to the mob of roughnecks who choked the lobby at the Nationalist Party headquarters.

This morning, Adrian Delia and his wife, accompanied by Kristy and Jean Pierre Debono, made a triumphant entry into the Nationalist Party club in Siggiewi, the need for secrecy now gone. (This is one of those moments when I feel as though I am writing one of those 1930s novels I read in translation, about petty but all-consuming power-plays in remote Sicilian villages.)

The Frank and Clare Underwood of Dar Centrali